The NJA Artist in Residence Programme unites visionary artists, iconic projects and leading brands.
Invited interdisciplinary artists are enabled to elevate their practice with access to top creatives, studio production, projects-at-scale and commercial budgets, all with artistic integrity as paramount.
NJA offer industry expertise and connections to high-profile creators and artists who are otherwise unrepresented in the commercial sector. Pairing them with key partners and stakeholders, where voice and vision are aligned... This pioneering model provides new ways for companies to bring their brand to life through non-traditional engagement and experiences. By working with artists who bring cutting-edge insights and ways of working, new communities are harnessed around trailblazing ideas, and unforgettable work is born.
This unique programme bridges the gap between brands and artists in a finely curated partnership.
Our emphasis, always, is to make world-class film, art, content and experience.